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I have been teaching high school science for 13 years and battling inertia my whole life.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Draft Physics Standards 2012-2013

I have just completed my first attempt at this year's standards for my general physics class. The students in this class are primarily Juniors, have completed Algebra 2, and are typically in Trig, Pre-Calc, or AP Calculus AB. These standards are only for the Mechanics part of the class which usually takes me until around the end of February or mid-March to finish. I have two levels of standards which are indicated by an A or B in the front.

I teach using Modeling Instruction and many of these standards are inspired by that curriculum and by Kelly O'Shae's standards. I would love your comments!

General Physics Objectives 2012 – 2013

General and Lab Objectives

A G.1 I can demonstrate understanding of good experimental design.
- Identify Independent, Dependent, and Control variables
- Qualitatively predict the relationship between two variables with an explanation for your prediction
- Demonstrate proper data collection and measurement

A G.2 I can report data and calculated answers with a reasonable amount of precision, given the measurements.

A G.3 I can develop and explain a general mathematical model from a graphed linear relationship

B G.4 I can develop and explain a general mathematical model from a graphed non-linear relationship

B G.5 I can identify and discuss the primary reasons for uncertainty in the experimental results.

A G.6 I can effectively communicate and defend findings through written and verbal methods

A G.7 I can treat vector and scalar quantities differently and distinguish between the two.

A G.8 I can add, subtract, separate, and combine vector components

Constant Velocity Particle Model – CVPM

A CVPM.1 I can create and interpret a position vs time graph to represent the motion of an object moving at constant velocity.
- Describe the motion and position of the object
- Use the slope to determine the average velocity of the object

A CVPM.2 I can create and interpret a velocity vs time graph to represent the motion of an object moving at constant velocity.
- Describe the motion and velocity of the object
- Use the area to determine the displacement of the object

A CVPM.3 I can create and interpret a motion map to represent the motion of an object moving at constant velocity.
- Use appropriate spacing and vectors

B CVPM.4 I can translate from any type of diagram or graph to another.

B CVPM.5 Using the appropriate mathematical model, I can solve problems involving average speed and average velocity.

Balanced Force Particle Model – BFPM

A BFPM.1 I can draw a properly labeled force diagram showing all forces acting on an object.
- Identify surrounding objects that interact with an object and the forces they exert on the object.
- Force vectors are qualitatively accurate (based on direction and size)

A BFPM.2 Using a force diagram, I can develop balanced force equations describing an object with a constant velocity.
- When forces are balanced, the net force must be zero.

A BFPM.3 I can apply Newton’s 1st Law by relating the balanced/unbalanced forces on an object to its constant/changing motion.

A BFPM.4 I understand and can apply the relationship between mass and weight.
- The gravitational field strength on the Earth’s surface, g, is equal to 9.8 N/kg. (10 N/kg is allowed for basic problems).

A BFPM.5 I can demonstrate understanding of Newton’s 3rd Law by identifying force pairs in multiple situations.
- A force is one half of the interaction between two objects.

B BFPM.6 I understand and can apply the relationship between friction force and the normal force on an object.
- The coefficient of friction, ยต, is a constant based on the surface of the two interacting objects.

B BFPM.7 I can solve balanced force problems using a shifted coordinate axis. (i.e. ramp problem)

Constant Acceleration Particle Model – CAPM

A CAPM.1 I can create and interpret a position vs time graph to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing velocity.
- Describe the motion and position of the object
- Use the slope to determine the instantaneous velocity of the object

A CAPM.2 I can create and interpret a velocity vs time graph to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing velocity.
- Describe the motion and velocity of the object
- Use the area to determine the displacement of the object
- Use the slope to determine the average acceleration of the object

A CAPM.3 I can create and interpret an acceleration vs time graph to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing velocity.
- Describe the motion and acceleration of the object
- Use the area to determine the change in velocity of the object

A CAPM.4 I can create and interpret a motion map to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing velocity.
- Use appropriate spacing and vectors

B CAPM.5 I can translate from any type of diagram or graph to another.

B CAPM.6 Using the appropriate mathematical model, I can solve challenging kinematics problems.

Unbalanced Force Particle Model – UBFPM

A UBFPM.1 I can use multiple diagrams and graphs to represent an object moving with a changing velocity.
- Motion graphs, motion map, force diagram, system schema, vector addition diagram

A UBFPM.2 I can develop force equations describing the forces on an object with a changing velocity. (FNET = ma)

A UBFPM.3 I can relate gravitational field strength and the acceleration due to gravity.
- Both are given the symbol, g.

B UBFPM.4 I can solve challenging unbalanced force problems involving a shifted coordinate axis and problems with two objects.

Projectile Motion Particle Model – PMPM

A PMPM.1 I can describe and represent projectile motion as separate horizontal and vertical motions.

A PMPM.2 I can use quantitative models from CVPM and CAPM to solve projectile motion problems with an initial vertical velocity = 0 m/s.

B PMPM.2 I can use quantitative models from CVPM and CAPM and vector addition to solve projectile motion problems with a non-zero initial vertical velocity.

Impulse Momentum Model – IMM

A IMM.1 I can determine the momentum and impulse of an object including direction and proper units.

B IMM.2 I can explain a situation in words using momentum and impulse concepts.

A IMM.3 I can analyze a situation (i.e. collision) using the conservation on momentum

A IMM.4 I can determine whether or not a collision is elastic.

Energy Storage and Transfer Model – ESTM

A ESTM.1 I can identify and represent when a system is storing energy as kinetic, potential gravitational, potential elastic, chemical, and/or thermal.

A ESTM.2 I can define a system and represent the storage and transfer of energy using pie charts, LOL bar graphs, and verbal explanations.

A ESTM.3 I can identify when the total energy of a system is changing or not changing, and if changing, I can identify the reason for the change.

A ESTM.4 I understand that the working transfer of energy is a result of an applied force on an object and the resulting displacement of the object. [Radiating and heating are two other methods of transferring energy.]

A ESTM.5 I can demonstrate an understanding that power is the rate that energy is transferred.

B ESTM.6 I can analyze a situation using conservation of energy and solve for an unknown quantity. (Ei + W = Ef)

Central Force Particle Model – CFPM

A CFPM.1 I can calculate the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of a particle experiencing uniform circular motion.

A CFPM.2 I can identify the direction and cause of the unbalanced central force of an object experiencing uniform circular motion.

A CFPM.3 I can determine the masses or gravitational force between two objects using the Law of Universal Gravitation.
- Gravitational Constant (G) = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2

B CFPM.4 I can use the concepts of uniform circular motion, universal gravitation, and conservation of energy to determine orbital and escape velocity of objects.


  1. My thoughts on possible places to tweak:

    1) Some of the models seem to have a (relative) lot of objectives. On my second pass through, I limited myself to no more than 5 per model, and that helped me sharpen them a bit. There are some (like breaking out every graphical representation in the kinematics models) that might not make a huge difference to report on separately than together. You'll probably test them together anyway, right? And what you (likely) really want is for them to be able to use all of the various graphical representations together in a matching, coordinated way. It's a little big, but not so big that it's unmanageable for students to see that as one chunk together.

    2) The other thing, as you think back through them and finalize, is that you want to imagine yourself having a student test on that objective 10 times over the course of the year (including many times as extra, student-initiated tests). If you can't imagine testing a student on just that specifically at some point (especially for a core objective that a student might need to isolate at some point in order to focus in and get it), then there's something you need to fix about it. maybe it needs to be part of something that is a little larger, or maybe you're getting at a "type of problem" instead of a skill, or maybe it isn't something that really needs feedback on its own, etc. I was thinking of things/problems I saw in my own original lists, not your list there, for the record.

    Okay. And just to point it out in case you hadn't noticed it yet, there's a misnumbering on the PMPM ones. That's not a big deal, but I didn't want to not say something if you hadn't caught it before printing! :)

    I thought I was done, but here's a specific question... how are ESTM.2 and ESTM.3 different? Would you test them differently? Would a "no" on 3 always mean a "no" on 2? Those might be pretty combinable.

  2. Kelly,

    Thank you for your comments. They come from much more experience than I have :)

    I have begun going through my materials and your packets to determine how my objectives fit. I found that by attaching the objectives to the work that I typically ask the students to do, it is clear which objectives should be alone or can be combined. For example, in the CVPM I have many opportunities to test CVPM.1 and CVPM.2 separately. However, CVPM.3 and CVPM.4 are always together and could be combined. At this point I am not certain that I want one that combines all of the graphical representations. I think it is more likely that I will combine some of them in the CAPM because they should already have a handle on it from CVPM. This process has also found a few areas that I need to provide more practice on before assessing.

    After reviewing my material, I believe I will have a bit of tweaking. I am also certain that I will have changes after I go through a year (or maybe even a month) of SBAR. I see you point about being able to test each objective individually. That is a concern of mine, especially when I plan to have 3 teacher initiated assessments for each one and there will be many student based assessments. I feel like I have a lot of creating to do!

    I think that you are correct about ESTM.3. A "no" on ESTM.3 would also be a "no " on ESTM.2. I was thinking about the student who could represent a system without energy transfer, but when you add/subtract energy from the system, they have a problem. Ultimately though, I think they need to demonstrate understanding for any situation.

  3. I went through a similar internal debate about the best grain size for an objective. I too opted to separate the graphing/motion map objectives (you can see some of the reasoning here in my reply to Kelly on one of my own blog posts: http://changeinpotential.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/sbg-framework-2/#comment-14). The more I think about it, the more I think that if I maintain the separate objectives for each type of graphical representation, I should collapse them into only one or two after the first grading period. By that time, the students should be a lot more comfortable with the representations and I won't really want them to be assessed in isolation anymore anyway.

    It seems that both of us are on the same timeline for our first implementation of SBG this school year, so I'll definitely be following along to hear more about your experiences.

    Brian E. (@BEphysics)

    1. Thanks for the comment Brian! I hope to follow along with your thoughts as time goes on. I am concerned that my posts will be few and far between as the year gets underway, but I think one per month may be a possibility :) Good Luck!
